How to be a 21st century gentleman

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Some claim that the age of true gentleman is far behind us but, here at The Gentleman’s Journal, we obviously disagree. A gentleman might looks different these days, but the values and ideals still stand. We have come up with some tips to help you be a gentleman in the 21st century.


Wooing a lady is a whole lot different now, and we have come to accept the fact that texting and messaging through different mediums is a legitimate way of getting to know someone. This is acceptable in the pursuit. Never think it’s ok to use it in the break up. A gentleman will always end matters in person.


This is a tricky one as it really depends on the woman you are dating. Be courteous but not chauvinistic. Offering your coat is one thing, but she can definitely order her entree by herself.


‘Selfies’ are better taken by someone else. Nothing screams ‘you’re so vain’ more than a self indulgent pout fresh out of the gym. Put the guns away boys. On that note, a gentleman never boasts about what going on down below. Modern society has lowered the boundaries, but that doesn’t mean you should ever sink to them.


The temptation to be constantly checking your phone is irresistible but nothing will turn off a girl more than you rolling over and scrolling through Facebook in bed. There is something far more interesting going on in front of you.


Walking a girl home is wonderfully sweet. Asking your girlfriend to check in every time she gets somewhere is not. Take a chill pill Dad.


Give up your seat to a pregnant lady or elderly person. I know it’s tricky nowadays when offering a seat can get you a look that could kill, but I think it’s safe to say to the aforementioned will always be grateful and any lady in the carriage will think ‘oh what a nice man’.


In the 21st century, it is so easy to rely on ready meals and restaurants, but a gentleman always has a few tricks up his sleeve and a home cooked meal will do wonders for you when she comes over.

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